- 参加日の当日は、検温等で発熱や風邪の症状がないことをご確認の上、参加ください。会場入り口でも検温させていただき、発熱が確認された場合は参加をご遠慮いただきます
- 集合の場所からはマスクを着用や、ハンカチで口を覆うなど、咳エチケットにご留意ください。
- アルコール消毒液での手指消毒、手洗いの励行をお願いいたします。
- 体験は、ソーシャルディスタンスが取れる距離で開催します。
- スタッフがマスク等を着用して対応させていただくことがあります。
- 会場内の適切な換気を行っております。
- 会場や地方政府の要請により、参加者の記録の保管等の追加の対策をお願いする場合があります。
Samurai Project Measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and Requests to Visitors
Thermometer Please refrain from visiting if you have a fever, symptoms of a cold, or are feeling unwell. Please cooperate with temperature taking at the entrance to our
program location. Visitors with a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher, or symptoms of a cold will not be allowed to join in our program.
Mask Please wear a mask when visiting our program location. When coughing or sneezing, please cover your mouth with your mask or a handkerchief.
Disinfection Alcohol Disinfectant will be placed at the entrance for visitors’ use. Please cooperating by washing your hands and disinfecting your fingers frequently.
Social Distance Please maintain distance between yourself and other participants.
Our staff Our staff members may wear masks or shields when guiding or otherwise interacting with participants.
Ventilation Ventilation of our program location with fresh air will be conducted regularly and properly.
Additional measures Depending upon requests by program venue or municipal governments, we may request additional measures such as keeping particulars of participants.